"枪手"来VISIT 我了!!, 大家请看我之前的POST,在我的grandpa birthday 的POST 里多了10个COMMENT, 而那些COMMENT 都是在说M'SIA 的不好, 跟我的POST 一点关系都沾不上边...我要小心了...分分钟给ISA 告...真的是TMD! 想利用我的BLOG,... 我想他们是在"明志"NAMEWEE 的COMMENT 那里拿到我的BLOG 的吧...那里真的很多"枪手"在那里逛...不只是我中招, 也有别人的BLOG 被他们光顾, 也是留10 个COMMENT, 大家小心....
*网络枪手"就是那些到你的BLOG 来散播谣言的人, 他们是政府的"狗"...收了一点臭钱,就上网替"狗主人"洒血...他们最擅长在你的BLOG 里留些反政府,或者是批评政府的话, 好让你们多多讨论, 他们是点火的人, 时候到, 政府就可以告你了....真的是TMD ! 之前有反对党的领袖中招了... 而我们敬爱的PAK LAH 也说了,UMNO 有聘请网络枪手!!!! 他们真的来了.P/s: Tis pic is something about the "cybertrooper"...Click here to view or click the pic to enlarge to view the news.....
"Cybertrooper" is visiting me recently. why do i say so?? u guys pls refer to my older post-"grandpa's birthday" post. u will discover there are 10 comments in my comment. most of them are bullshitting about malaysia government. WTF!!! it's nothing related to my blog's entry!! one of the way they got my blog...i bet is from namewee's blog, i ever post some comment there, and there are many "cybertrooper" hiding behind namewee's blog. i should aware of it....and my friends, pls be aware of these "cybertrooper" when u discussing a political topic..!!
what is "cybertrooper"?
cybertrooper is a new term in malaysia. they are a group of internet user that hired by government to post certain instigate or to whip up/stir up the problem, our feelings. purposely to make us post more and discuss more about the "bad" of government. some opposition party get trouble bcos of these cybertrooper.and our beloved paklah also said b4, umno got their own CYBERTROOPER!! WTFF!!!!!!
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