i know lots of u know Namewee - 黃明志, Recently he's naughty again. i bet malaysia is too boring for him, so he come out wif Mr.Chew teaching ABC Part1, part 2, and Part3. i bet most of u if u follow newspaper, u will notice, lots of bad comments about this video. even his ex-school is now going sue him for the MV's background which involve the school.
But.... wat namewee wanted to scold is malaysia education system. wat he say is right. Lots of chinese student encounter this education environment. Primary school (chinese medium)--> Secondary school (government- Malay medium)--> when comes to form 6/College/Uni, everything comes to English.
Something good is, u could handle all of these 3 medium. But How about those who cant handle? the system is not a continous linking system.
May b the way namewee present the song is a bit too rough, not really polite. but this is not a big deal, the important things is the message which he wanted to deliver... i duno how u guys think about the video, i still support namewe... lol=x
Let's see the part 3 of his video
Still remember the very 1st song namewee posted? 麻坡的华语??
This time he also comes out with a soft version , 麻坡的情歌 most of the lycis are copy from 麻坡的华语, This is kinda funny and lyrics totally not suitable for the melody of the this song... enjoy the melody ya..LOL
haha, yea jyue...^_^ he naughty again lar... but still syok.. lolz
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