i bet most of the chinese know about this racist Unmo leader, Ahmad ismail who say "Chinese here as immigrants squatting in Malaysia" and as such, said we chinese "should not expect to be treated equally."
Chinese Out there, do u hear wtf he said? he said we should get out of malaysia and we shouldnt' be treated equally!!!!! WTF!!!!
Recently our almost bankrupt PM said " Ahmad did not mean wat he said. Then, what did he mean to say? the stupid racist MP?
and the our almost bankrupt assistant PM apologize on behalf of him, wtf is this 2nd hand apologize? apologize also can be 2nd hand? why ahmad dun wan come out 2 apology? is he mean wat he said and never felt guilty of this racistness? how could UMNO leader be such racist ? is BN or UMNO is racist party? is our government Racist against Non-malays?
i bet all of u got ur own answer. If government couldnt do smth on this racist leader, malaysia will be bankrupt soon. tat time i will be singing.......
(originally is london bridge is falling down, a song of kids)
Malaysia is falling down, falling down , falling down,
Malaysia is falling down, everyone happy.
Airline Profibility
1 week ago
LOL!!! you creative!
i agree with u ah sung... cos i am part of chinese too~ lets ask Kira to punish him~ Kira from the death note..
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