Monday, October 29, 2007

Jay chou- "我很忙" album

如果你们还没听过JAY 的最新专辑的歌的话, 那你就要听听以下这两首了, 坦白说,对于之前的几张专辑我都没有好评,就马马虎虎, 可是这两波主打歌都很不错, JAY 回来了...这才是原汁原味的JAY, 曾几何时,也很疯JAY 的, 哈哈, 我很喜欢牛仔很忙这首个, 很风趣哦... 大家就听听吧...

牛仔很忙- JAY


i am sick

i am sick, it;s been long time i didnt sick. Tis time, it really torturing me, i am feeling so dull everyday, i am feeling like living in the hell, so damn sick....

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Nokia BL-5c Battery's replacement recieved!!

i;ve recieve my battery 2 months ago. i believe many Nokia user know tis BL-5C battery matters, what impress me was, NOKIA really DID it for ME!!!! i really recieved the battery replacement!!!
just to share wif u all, the battery that i recieved was delivered by DHL, and it cost them 9USD to send it from Hong Kong to my house(sibu). nokia rockkszzz.....

For those friends who duno about tis Nokia battery stuff, refer to the nokia website,

"Nokia has identified that in very rare cases the affected batteries could potentially experience over heating initiated by a short circuit while charging, causing the battery to dislodge. Nokia is working closely with relevant local authorities to investigate this situation...."

杂菜饭 + 老查某RAP

想跟大家分享2个很有趣的VIDEO, 我很喜欢逛YOUTUBE, 所以跟大家分享下:-

1.杂菜饭是一部还没上映的新加坡戏剧, 我很期待这部戏, 看了它的预告片, 蛮够力下.
2. 老查某的RAP 是最强的RAP, 应该可说是全世界最老的RAPPER, 哈哈, 也是最吊的RAPPER, VIDEO 里她自己都有RAP 到,"我有一棵年轻的心"...真的是太吊了!! *敬礼*

003 之旅...

前几天, 发现了朋友的003, 有照片为证!!!谁我就不在这里说了, 如果他看得到的话应该知道是他的吧..哈哈哈... 看看那个袋子,太透明了, 没办法, 还看的到DUREX 这个牌子, 都已经发臭了,都不要丢掉,大家都看到了,太肮脏了,也没人敢丢所以大家都拍下来做证据.哈哈.. 照片里右上角就是里面的东西,我不多说, 大家看了就明白!!

Saturday, October 27, 2007


终于又搬家了, 我搬了无数个家(BLOG) 了..哈哈, 还真的有点花心. 可是我旧的家( ) 还会KEEP 住, 因为要把东西都搬来有点花时间...想看旧文章就回去我的旧家吧.. 今天新家开张咯...昨晚还在测试的阶段, 所以第一张张贴了一首KAREN 的歌..

離島 (leaving the island)

離島 (leaving the island)
詞:黃明志 lyrics:huang ming zhi
曲:張捷惟 song: zhang jie wei

靠坐在陌生的床 牆角還擱著行囊
Sitting on the foreign bed, the luggage sitting in the corner
窗外的霓虹燈搶了 月亮的光
the neon lights outside the window shining brighter the the moon light
來自大海的方向 從地圖的另一端
coming from the sea, from the other side of the map(world)
背著夢想 也帶著揮不去的牽掛
carrying my dreams, and also bearing the longings that I can’t leave behind

風 啊 風 把我帶到這地方
wind, oh wind, who brought me to this place
blue colored memories still left in my home on the sea.
輕輕躺在這城市的中央 寧靜的夜晚 眼角淚未乾
gently lying in the city’s central, in the still of the night, my eyes still wet with tears
falling onto the moonlit window ledge.

喔喔 風 啊 風 吹送著我的牽掛
oh oh, wind, oh wind, blowing away my longings
accompanying the directions of the sea waves into your arms
走啊走前往夢想的路上 每次感覺孤單 看著月兒彎
moving towards the dreams, whenever I’m feeling lonely, I look towards the crescent moon
彷彿笑著說 “你要勇敢 別害怕”
who seems like smiling and saying, “you must be brave, don’t be afraid”
擔心月兒會孤單 星星守護在身旁
worried that the moon might be lonely, the stars watched over it by it’s side
安靜地陪我夢了一段 家鄉
Silently, accompanying me, dreaming a dream of my hometown.