Tuesday, April 29, 2008

bike recovered

Just bak from sibu few days ago, actually i was going bak to get the police investigation report for my claim of insurans, however, just found out that, the bike was recovered in mukah. truely speaking, i rather prefer 2 get my claim few thousands ringgit back 2 get a new car, but who knows my bike is now in sibu police station...=.=. found the bike back wif arrested thief, make this case even more complicated...i duno when can i get my bike bak...=.=1.
2years ago b4 my bike being modified into black color.it was in red color.

the modification tat i did, in black n white color, b4 it was stolen.

it was discovered in mukah, they spray it into yellow color, change the plate number, if u wan 2 buy magnum 4d, buy this fake number lar, 7308. lolz

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Back to sibu

i'm back in sibu!!!! and today is the worst time i be with airasia, delayed from 7.20 to 1100. so pissed off.

we all sit in the flight for half n hours without aircorn. i duno y the pilot drive out to the "flying land" and park there, keep us waiting n waiting for half n hour. i believe the time we wait could deliver us to sibu already......and finally, the pilot park bak to the original park, and ask us to go down the flight again and keep us waiting. ok fine, then they give us some coupon to comfort us, cos those typical foochow alrady fly their 3words out to them.....

they comfort us by given a refreshment voucher and a pass to go out to the departure hall to dine. The food was so so so.....taste less. a plate of tasteless fried mee hoon and a cup of orange juice.i will be in sibu for 2 days only. free find me yam cha ya, sibu friend. ^_^

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

sushi king rm2 promotion

HEY, RM2 sushi king promotion arrived Kuching!! each of plate cost u only rm2, how cheap it is? i;ve been there with friends on last 2 days.

*this is only part of wat we ate tat day, ....we took tis picture b4 they did some cleaning up.Come on, graps ur RM2/plate sushi at The spring, and boulevard hypemall now!!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

who block ur msn???

i believe most of u guys always recieve some website or software sent by ur friends, by key in ur msn username and pswd, then u can check who is actually deleting/blocking u.

but u guys better beware, there's lots of website n software are infected with trojan horse and virus that is actually attack ur msn and ur computer.

in fact, we can check who's blocking/deleting us using just our own msn, let me teach u how.


Open MSN Messenger,


1. "Allow list"
right click the Nick, if you can click the word "delete", (words is in bolded color) means u are being blocked or deleted by tat person.*click image for larger/clearer view

2.if u cant click the word"delete", means u still on his/her list.
*click image for larger/clearer view

Go back and check your list, see who;s deleting/blocking u .......

Saturday, April 19, 2008

finally done + job offered + birthday

Finally, finally and finally, i;m done! just finish my last paper hours ago and now i can fly....lolx.... so i am unofficially graduated?? lolz?? it's 3 years time since i come kch 2 persue my degree. 3 years had past.....in just a click of eyes time....phew.!!!!! and i wanna say,,,,'

Bye bye INTI!!!!!

Finally i end my life as a student today...and i am birthday boy today...mayb birthday bring lucks and God really bless me very much, i get a job offered last week. a financial adjuster company had interviewed and confirmed me, i will get the offer letter from them on monday..!!!!!

Thankx those friends for the birthday wishes. God bless u all!!!
Happy 24th birthday to Myself!!! haha!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Nothing much to say cos im too pressure for my tomolo strategic management exam. i dun think i need 2 get an A, getting at least a C is satisfied..... of cos i aim for better result if possible...

wish me Good luck then.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Big Apple Donuts and Coffee

Same like other typical kuching ppl, i am queuing up in the latest outlet in the spring hypermall, kuching to wait my donut to be served. and i duno why i am so stupid not 2 get some donuts during my tips at kk, warisan mall.

their donut range, 23 kinds of different donut....

and yet u can enjoy surfing internet and blog them in their cafe. during promotion period, in every cup of coffee u consume, u will get a free donuts.

the business was so good tat, workers are too busy to make donuts.

and i've taken a video shot with my hp how our donuts being colored,...

Uncasing time....lolx.....Tat's wat i bought from Big apple donut-a box of 12donut cost me RM22.00

how simple and nice box it use...

*den den den....... colourful rite? and it taste nice too!!

malaysia jokes..

Had been busy doing the revision recently and no times for new updates. just read a long time ago funny jokes about malaysia races and religion. it's still quite funny when i look this jokes back. it's just for fun and no offence.... have fun and enjoy the jokes.






啊啊啊啊啊啊。。没啦!'style='color:#464F86'>就是现在我们所听到的' 啊啊啊啊啊啊。。。啦!!











Friday, April 11, 2008

exam, case study = headache

exam is just around the corner, less than a week time i need to face the crucial reality. i;m so lazy doing revision, messy case study, sophisticated theory....haih.....

Hope that God will help me go thru all these....God bless me.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


This is 旺角香港茶餐厅, located at crown square.

Been to this hong kong theme's restaurant for lunch. and let's talk about the drinks....can u see the chinese name in 01 drink's list? 香港丝袜奶茶...i wonder how it taste like? tea in the socks??somemore hong kong sytle

That's it, the "hong kong sock tea", nth special at all, no smeelly hong kong leg's taste but just a normal sibu rejang river like teh-chi beng. chinese always like to fool ppl with it's fancy chinese wording....

talking about wat we eat, this is some beef rice wif cheese on the top. it was like eating pizza, but the content were rice. may b it's good for cheese lover, but not for me, when eat too much cheese u will feel like....yukkzz.....too much.

This is the basket lamb rice, this is the classical "饭桶"....indeed is饭桶 eating 饭桶....lolz.....

Another things i wan 2 say is, how come they dun shuffle some cantonese song in the restaurant? instead they put kuching's nicholas zhang dong liang??may b they wan 2 get local market customer?i duno....it's kinda weird....and not related...

i spy shoot this pic with my hp, wonder why all of them look at the cam?? why wwkiong LOL? have fun and seeking chances 2 other new restaurant in town.

Monday, April 7, 2008

pikom pc fair

Went to pikom pc fair yesterday and i was like, duh....so many things wanna buy and not enuf budget for it....haih.....

had bought somethings from pc fair, a 4GB pendrive (RM47), mouse(RM25) Wireless router (RM149), CD-R 100pcs(RM55) and a mickey mouse MP3 player 1GB (RM60). spend quite a lot in this pc fair and so sad dun hav enuf budget for a 160GB external hardisk which only cost RM198 wif casing. of cos i am not as rich as u think since i bought so many things above, the wireless modem is helping others 2 buy.

i think i need 2 save up more money for next pc fair

p/s: the wireless router that i bought for church....

p/s: so far this is the best things i found in this pikom fair, mickey mouse Mplayer!!!! i found it long time liaw......and it only available in few region......cant believe can bought it in kch!!!!

more colors available recently.....

and it's a fashion hanger and tiny decoration, not merely a mp3 players....

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

home made sushi

i was doing sushi last nite for 2nite's gathering. different from sushi king sushi, i didnt use rice, but instead i use bread. wonder how i do it?, let me teach u.

1)This is wat i prepared for today's lesson. mayonise, tuna, seaweed, carrot, cucumber and roti.
2)After all, cut the carrot and cucumber into slices, and remember-dip the cucumber slice with venigar for around 10 minutes.3)boiled egg to be scattered like wat i did in the pic. tips: using a folk is easier

4)get ur tuna, mayonise and scattered egg mix 2gather

5) cut the seaweed paper into quater, means 1/4 size
6) and for the bread, cut off the brown side of each slice of roti.

7) put the seaweed paper and roti with mayonize and ingredience into the roti like wat i did in the pic.
8) scroll it

9) and it's done.
10) tat;s all i did last nite, and u can cut it into slices.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

handicap car slot

i bet all of u know this handicap logo. this car slot is specially for handicap ppl rite?? may b u will reply me like tat. Of cos lar, "ju mang gong meh nv"(foochow) mean (so stupid meh u?)

i saw this car parking at handicap car slot just now at the spring hypermall. so i start scolding....

me: waiha, nowadays ppl bo moral one, handicap car slot also park...si bei ngong....

sh: yea lor yea lor, so stupid them. this car slot suppose to let those disable ppl put wheel-chair one ma, then they can walk to shopping center. where can put car there....

: har? wheel-chair?? handicap walk??....*beng*

: sniff*

last class

phew, just submitted my assignment last nite, for me, i was like ---- finally, i am done!!!!

went to Employee Training and Development a.k.a Human Resource development class last nite. having a heavy heart becoz it was my last class for human resource, and going to face my final exam 2 weeks later. revision were carrying on and i was so pressure. i realize there were many things i need 2 study in this last minute due to my 23 years of laziness experience.

it's now towards the end semester and i hope everything will be on the track. i wan 2 get a least a 2nd lower class. God bless me.